NEW BIKE!!!! Yesss!!!!


PR Member
had another mech take a look today, believes it is compression leaking by the rings. Gonna do a compression and leakdown test to be sure. But most likely shes getting a new piston,and cylinder regardless. And as for judnash....i may not be an expert, but im at least smart enough to realize your sarcasm ;) hahaha


PR Member
Did you ride the bike before you bought it ? Never heard that type of sound before...but it is a suzuki....

lol yea yea yea, damn suzukis ;) haha but yea i mean of course i ran it around the parking lot, butno room to actually get on it. I knew it was a little chattery when i bought it(but 40 mph winds didnt help me with hearing it all too well. So, it is what it is. We will see what the tests bring back, and go from there.