Nice-NON-Current Class RM 250 for sale


PR Addict
Glad it's fixed Dano. I pretty much always just tear down and start every motor fresh so I don't have any surprises.

However, I will probably ride this 250 for a bit before teardown, we'll see. As outrageous as the graphics were, I still think the '89-92 RM body style was the best looking ever. I will make it look nice as a racer bike.

And for everyone else.....c'mon -- I've only bought ONE BIKE this whole year! :p


PR Addict
One bike this whole year. That is not an addiction or even close to VMBBA.(VMBBA=Vintage Motocross Bike Buying Addiction)One is perfectly reasonable. Wait a minute??? There might be some definitional precision needed. "This whole year" - does that mean the previous 365 days or the short, first 10% of this brand new 2014 year?

I guess is doesn't matter, you found nice bike and I agree that the 89-92s are some of the best looking.


PR Addict
C'mon we're talking 2014 calendar year here!
I can't even remember how many have come and gone in the last 12 month span.