

PR Addict
Anyone out there considering going vegetarian? Denny and I did this back in July.
We both feel it is an extremely postive healthful thing.
I have tons of ideas and reading material and web sites to direct you.
We knew after Denny had a stroke that we needed to do something for our health.
Just like everyone else we 'watched' what we ate. But didn't think too much about the
idea that what we put in our bodies plays a huge role in our health.
We cut out white flour , sugar and anything with a face and/or a mother.
Honestly I thought cutting out sugar would just not be something we could do.
Turns out we don't even miss it. I know!?
We have a green drink every morning . That is made up of kale, blueberries, coconut and coconut water, chia seeds, cacao and one avocado...throw it al in our NINJA blender and drink it down. It tastes great.
We make up a carrot-apple-ginger drink and take to work.
We thought we wouldn't be able to find anything to eat that we actualy would eat.
We have discovered that prior to this change we ate the same darned things every day. Now we are eating something different all of the time. I told Denny that after some thought it wasn't the meat or chicken or fish that I like the taste of it was and remains the seasoning. Just think if you took a burger and boiled no seasoning at all
would you eat it or would you season it up however you liked and then eat it?
Anyone with any interest let me know and I will forward some links your way.
This man is local, Cleveland , and well worth a look see
You do not have to suffer a heart attack to utilize this can be proactive with this information


PR Founding Father
You know. I used to bag on people for being vegetarins but I would never do so if it were to better your health.. I don't think I could personally give up beef or venison (which I hardly season) but I have thought about and dabbled in the gluten free life.. my family has a fat history along with bad hearts. I'm the furthest out of shape I've ever been mostly because of the food we eat. I plan on firing up the ninja sooner than later as well..

Not much of a point to my post but good job on bettering yourselves health wise..

And BTW. I've lived in canton all my life and have been on Arlington a billion times and never been to the shop. I may have to swing by and maybe check out those pumpkin colored bikes.. ha


PR Member
I work with a guy who went that route and all organic and the guy looks sickly. I don't eat the greatest but I will say I have more energy then him. I hope it works for you.


PR Elite
As much as I like to tease vegetarians it is a good way to eat if done properly. The problem is many of those choosing that lifestyle dont do it properly. Im sure you have researched it with the heart issue. Getting the required protein in a vegetarian diet is a very tough task. Those that think eating like they are used to but just cutting out the meat dont fair well at all.

Now Vegan is insane with absolutely no animal products. No fish, eggs, milk ect.... Getting your protein that way is extremely hard work.

I think the best way is the correct types of lean meats mixed in sparingly with your vegetarian style. Our bodies were designed to eat meats. But the food industry has ruined our diets with all the hormones and such. And the organic stuff has many of those too, the FDA approves lots of them as natural.

Good luck, glad to hear your health is on the right track!


PR Elite
Being a Vegan, or Vegitarian is easily one of the most UNhealthiest things you can do.. You need lean meats in your diet!


PR Elite
anything with a face



PR Addict
Fat? check...

I am FOR SURE not a good person to talk about diet, but I can not imagine being vegetarian. Not sure it makes you live long or just seem longer since you don't get the joy of eating a cheeseburger.
Good luck to anyone willing to give it a try. My belt wishes I would try... just not gonna happen


PR Member
As the comedian Ron White once said....."we were not put at the top of the food chain to eat carrots". Lol


PR Addict
I haven't eaten meat since around.... 1980. I feel great for mid 40's. Watch for gelatin in yogurt, and egg whites hidden in veggie burgers. Good luck, and keep up the good work. I wish everyone was a vegetarian. --L*64


PR Founding Father
Candy and Denny,
Congrats on your dietary changes. You may want to read a book called Eat To Live by Dr. Joel Furman. He explains how vegetarian diets can go wrong and not be as beneficial as possible, but he is not against them in principle. He also explains why certain foods are good and others are not in a scientific way. His recommended diet approaches a vegetarian concept. I know there are many, many diet books out there, but his helped me to understand a lot more about food than I knew before. Good luck. I would love to hear some of your drink/smoothie recipes. Those ninja blenders are awesome. We use ours all the time.


PR Elite
I haven't eaten meat since around.... 1980. I feel great for mid 40's. Watch for gelatin in yogurt, and egg whites hidden in veggie burgers. Good luck, and keep up the good work. I wish everyone was a vegetarian. --L*64

You wish everyone was unhealthy and , malnutrished?


PR Elite
There are plenty of healthy bad ass vegetarians. Percentage wise there are more healthy vegetarians than non. Its just a difficult lifestyle to follow. But then again so is any diet I guess.

I guarantee I could show you some vegetarian women that would knock your socks off


PR Addict
I love your reponses ...all of them. Thank you for the veggie faces.
I have researched and researched to figure out a way for us to live and thrive. I have read all of the Gerson information I can find. Charlotte Gerson is one bad ass 90+ year old lady. I have found that carrots have just about the same amount of protein that you would find in cow's milk, without the added hormones. I wonder sometimes if this is just something you come to naturally as you get older and realize that your choices ( Denny and my choices) for what we have been eating our entire lifes has not served us well. We have made friends with green drinks. Kris Carr is brilliant
Then the Green Smoothie Girl gives me some seriously good information

The guy who started it all for us is Joe Cross. He has been a big influence in our life Just watching his movie is sobering. Fat Sick and Nearly Dead is his movie.
Denny and I go to a alternative group of doctors in Westlake, all MD's ...the one Doc said to us... What animals on this earth are strong & fierce? His answer was a gorilla. They don't eat animal proteins.
Not saying anyone should give this a try. Not preaching. Just looking for ways for us, me and Denny to be strong & healthy .
Fingers crossed we won't have to go through another stroke.
Again, thank you all for sharing with me


PR Addict
I mix up a green drink every morning in the Nutribullet. But I can't commit to the vegetarian or vegan lifestyle yet.


PR Elite
Ive been looking and what I find says a cup of chopped carrots has 1 gram of protein and a cup of milk has 8.

Am I missing something?