Best Motocross Helmet


PR Founding Father
This will start a debate bigger than a neck brace thread. But honestly, when you ask that question, you should in what price range? Is money no object?

6D. Shoei, Arai are all probably top three.


PR Addict
My last helmet was the HJC (RPHA-X). I didn't like it at all. The shell was to deep.
I did like and would also buy again the Fly F2 Carbon (white).
Anyone have a Moto9 ? If so what's it compair to?


PR Member
I have a moto 9 and I'm really happy with it. I've always worn a shoei but found a great deal on my moto 9. I find it more comfortable than my shoei. I also really like the magnetic cheek pads. No more snaps. In and out in 2 seconds.


PR Founding Father
I have been ruined, spoiled, whatever you want to call it by Arai helmets. I will more than likely never wear another brand. I tried on a couple others.....nothing fits like Arai. Now I have not worn a 6D, I'm sure they are awesome, but I really like Arai's. Best fitting helmet for me.


PR Founding Father
Correct fitment is far more important than a brand.. I wore shoei forever because they fit.. also one hjc that fit like a glove.. I have been wearing a fly f2 carbon for a couple years and it fit like my shoeis.. my next helmet will be an Xl fox helmet with head padding from a large.. fits ME perfectly.. 6d's don't fit my dome to well otherwise with its technology, I'd be wearin one..


PR Elite
I've most recently had Shoei and Arai helmets. I won a Fly Formula Stryper and I really like it. I'll be wearing the Fly this coming year.


PR Elite
Helmets are in the category of you get what you pay for! $5 head? $5 dollar helmet. Now that being said once you get into the $300 dollar + range you arent really going to go wrong with protection. Like others have said fitment is key, if there is any room for movement between your head and the helmet , the helmet cant do its job correctly. If at all possible dont let money be a factor when purchasing a helmet.

For me, the best helmet I have found is the Airoh. Not only is it the lightest helmet out there by far but it fits my head like it was formed to it.


PR Member
Been using shoei for the past few seasons and arnt real impressed with the protection. Now using bell moto 9. Time will tell. Lol


PR Elite
Been using shoei for the past few seasons and arnt real impressed with the protection. Now using bell moto 9. Time will tell. Lol

I can see how someone wouldn't be impressed with a particular helmet due to the way it fits the shape of their head. For example, my Shoei fits my head better than my Arai, so I lean towards liking the Shoei. But when you say you're not impressed with the "protection" of an Arai, I have to wonder what is it about the Arai that makes you say something negative about the protection?


PR Member
I said Shoei. Seems that the rider gets a concusion with every hard crash. We replace helmet each time. 3 new shoei helmets in 4 yrs. That's why Im asking.


PR Elite
Oops, I got the Shoei swapped around with Arai from you comment...same thing though, I was just curious why you were down on the protection of one the top quality helmets made. Though your bias against Shoei isn't based on testing of some sort, I could see how you'd be tired of getting concussions while wearing a Shoei. I feel the same way about ONE helmets after knocking myself out a few times in them, even though I realize the same thing may have been the end result with any helmet in those falls.


PR Addict
I said Shoei. Seems that the rider gets a concusion with every hard crash. We replace helmet each time. 3 new shoei helmets in 4 yrs. That's why Im asking.
Just to be clear, are you saying you suffered from concussions after each of the mentioned crashes, or are you referring to other riders having this happen to them?


PR Addict
I like the Airoh and Suomy helmets. Made in Italy without Snell standards. The helmets are light and crush easier in low speed impacts, which are most MX crashes. Snell rated helmets may not always absorb small impacts since they are designed for big high speed impacts like hitting the tarmac at 60 MPH. of course this is all theory. No proof of this

I have both the Suomy and Airoh and they are both very very light. I tend to use the Airoh the more I read about it. It has a very small diameter and the thinking is that it would put less torque on your neck in a crash that tries to twist your neck since the diameter is smaller. Similar to using a small wrench and a big wrench. All conjecture, of course.

No tests have been proven to show that an Arai is any better than a Snell rated Fly helmet. That is all conjecture too. Not trying to starts something, just giving you ideas to consider and in any case, invest in some time and educate yourself.

Read up on it. Start here.....


PR Founding Father
Egg shell design is cool.

Dot and snell mean helmet met atleast the minimum standards. No way to really tell if they exceed....?


PR Member
My sons the rider and he has had , I think 4 concussions wearing shoei. We replaced the helmet after any hard crash. That's why we are trying the bell this time.