Pitracer.com History


PR Founding Father
In fact, you, me, the dude with a chics name, and your photoshopped all have that date within this thread.


PR Addict
Here is the first ever PitRacer logo. I think I made this in MS Paint on Windows 95.

Rider is me on YZ125 at Pontiac SX amateur day.



PR Founding Father
That's Chuck, the current owner. (NOT ME anymore). I do still have PitRacer.com sticker on my trailer though.

The pay subscription didn't happen until 2004.

Lots of good times. I still see stuff from Turtle on FB. He lives in Abu Dabai now I think, seriously. I went to a crazy party at his place at OSU once.

turtle just moved from london to dubai, hes been allover the place. pitracer used to be way funnier back in the day, and a lot less bitchy. lol. PR is such a great resource for ohio moto. hats off to chuck for keeping the lights on around here!


PR Addict
In January 2001 I was living in Pittsburgh but had just gotten a job in Cleveland. My #1 criteria for a place to live in NE Ohio was proximity to MX. Smith Road and Apple Cabin looked like cool places to ride after work, so I moved to Medina. As luck would have it, John K lived in Medina too. There was a period of time that PR was a true addiction for me. Digital photography was such a big deal and changed our ability to document our rides. Then came eBay. I bought more un-needed MX crap from that website than I can ever remember. My 2001 KTM 250SX with the PR graphics set was a killer bike.... especially when I T-Boned Robin's dad at Smith Road. Great memories....

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PR Founding Father
It seemed like it was funnier back in the early stages but everything wasn’t so Politicallly Correct back then. And it started between friends who always ripped on each other and played practical jokes on each other...... it was a continuation of the fun we had riding / racing together with all the jokes.

I’ll share the EPIC practical joke the Kreps played on me that played out on the early site.

In 1999 / 2000 my wife was my girlfriend back then and was coming to all the races with us on the weekends and taking pictures of all of out on the track over the weekend. These weren’t digital photos shared by email or text, but actual prints that she would get printed during the week in Chicago and bring them back the next weekend and pass around the photos to the group and let everybody pick out the pictures of themselves and keep them. Well she handed out a few envelopes of pictures that included pictures of me laying shirtless in the grass after a moto where she had sat on top of me and snapped some pics. Kreps sees these pics and says “oh boy, I can use these” and takes those pictures. I didn’t even know they were In there.

He made a gay personal ad with those pictures and loaded my email address in the gay personal site so I’d get all the responses. But I didn’t have the password to change or take the stuff down, instead he would log in, get the responses and then post them on PitRacer for all our friends to read. It was hysterical and all I can say is boy are those gay men looking for love online very forward about what they want to do to you and you to them!!!!

Just the kind of stuff we were doing back in the beginning...... it was funny, and when we get together it’s always like that! But when the site took off and lots of members joined and kids were there...... well we couldn’t do that kind of stuff anymore. Plus digital pictures soon took over and then texting and everything else took the place of this site for lots of things, but it’s still very useful!

Thanks to John for creating it and to Chuck for keeping it going.

I’m sure Kreps has an image of my gay personal ad somewhere in his archives..... I don’t mind if he shows it here, I’m confident enough to have lived through the original ad to the current jokes that would come from it now, LOL!

Sent from my iPhone using PitRacer mobile app


PR Founding Father
Who is that Kreps guy anyway....

What year was the Pitracer ride day at Beans? How far was it from Malvern?


PR Founding Father
That's definitely Scenic. That's my green van way in the background. Damn, I miss that place and those days.


PR Founding Father
I really don’t know a guy named John Kreps, to this day I still call him “Pit”. LOL.
I agree, I can’t imagine what it would be like without this platform.
When my brother John passed away in 2005, “Pit” put the details up on Pitracer, since my bro had worked the starting gate for many tracks in D12. The FYI turned into a 8-9 page tribute to John. I printed and shared it with all of my nephews and nieces about their dad just a few years ago, since they were so young when he passed. It still touches my heart that a group of people that only knew us through mx, rallied around us and did such a wonderful tribute. I still read it every year.
To me, THAT is what Pitracer is really about.. No matter our differences, we will rally around each other and be there when it is needed. To bad some of the newbies couldn’t have experienced those years of Pitracer. They would realize to not take things so serious on here and just enjoy the banter!


PR Founding Father
Isnt that the truth. Some of the newer people seem to take everything serious on here. Some of the races i enjoy the most is where alot of pit racer regulars are at. 99% of the people on here are good people.