An OHIO MX Record That Will Never Be Bested....


PR Elite
I don't know how many of you were there that fine day, but way back a few moons- at OIR, back when the MAGNIFICENT HANDS ran the joint, my buddy, BRIAN " THE

GONZ" Gonser entered FIVE (5 !!) classes and raced them all. I do believe he won four of the overalls that amazing day. Ten moto's and about five practice sessions. He was a

tired and sore lad when it all was over...he barely partied with us.

Just wanted to recognize my buddy on that bizarre and wonderful day in motocross. High 5, Everyone.


PR Founding Father
There's a goal to set forth!

Although, Sir Rupert, I believe one guy may have him atleast matched and I am your witness. However, that would be the quad (atv, wheelchair, track packer) g.o.a.t., Tim Farr, at Malvern years ago. Think he rode in every big quad class besides woodsman. Most were back to back too.


PR Founding Father
I call bullshit. I think with the race order I have, that someBODY can do six. I will pay someone $100 to finish in the top five for 6 classes at the Battle for Ohio. So we will no longer hear of this ridiculous record.


PR Founding Father
I'm fat and out of shape, but id try! Duno about top 5's at this time though! Haha.. maybe top 5 in the start? Lol

2 stroke
Quad B/C


PR Elite
Might have to dig and see if I still have an issue of the CRA paper from that one...was truly impressive.
You would have to be careful who you paid that $100 to so as not to destroy their amateur record. Give me a scenerio on how someone could enter 6 classes. What classes would you be eligible to enter to get six in? And God Bless the person if they could pull that one off.


PR Founding Father
I can personally do 5 right now.. If I were 30, I could do 7.. I would have to utilize both the 2 and 4 wheel versions to complete it though.

On my bike I could run 25, 250b, 450b, and 2 stroke..

Quad I could currently run the B/C moto..

Someone sponsor me and ill try my best! Some fast dudes gonna be in all classes though and im pretty far out of shape, but id give it my best shot! lol
Jared, you still gotta come up with a sixth class.

I still think some 12-15 year old is the most likely to do it, not sure if there are enough classes they can race to get six though. Just off the top of my head they could do 85, schoolboy, 2 stroke, supermini, and I guess the others might have to be quad classes...
You would have to be careful who you paid that $100 to so as not to destroy their amateur record. Give me a scenerio on how someone could enter 6 classes. What classes would you be eligible to enter to get six in? And God Bless the person if they could pull that one off.

Right, maybe they could be paid in CRA cards...five years of free CRA memberships or a year membership for a family of five. Now there is an idea...LOL


PR Founding Father
Come on Rocket, go for it. 250B, 450B, 25+, 30+, 40+, 2 stroke. They should get at least $150 back from JO though. Thats at least their entries back for each class.


PR Founding Father
I could do it..... If I ride my 2 stroke 200 in a couple of classes. I could ride 250B on 200, Two Stroke on 200, and 450B, 25+, 30+, 40+ all on the big Hussy. I'm going to have to put a clutch in the 200. And although I know I can get in 6 classes, I doubt that I can finish top 5 in Two Stroke, 250B and 450B.... doubtful in +25 as well..... But racing 6 classes could be done, not sure if I could do it well enough to collect the $100.

I've also raced 5 classes at OIR (not winning 4 of them) before while training for Loretta Lynn's when the Hand's ran it. But I didn't have Rupert X in my pits make it a glorious day..... and talking about it for years. Gail Hand was even nice enough to let me ride the 5th class for Free since I was running so many classes. And just last year I ran 4 classes at Red Bud Vet Fest, winning 3 of 4 and finishing 3rd in the other....... that was a pretty good day, but not Gonz 4 of 5 good.


PR Member
I do remember tim farr racing every big quad race at medina co. fair in '99 or '00. including woodsmen! He didnt recieve any points, and basically did it for practice and show. He also was the only quad rider to jump the grandstand jump and enter the jump contest. I dont remember if he won the jump contest but he did win EVERY race he was in. Sure it was a fair race but some back to back motos, at one moto 6 laps each.... thats alot of riding! I have video of it somewere. I used to try to tape every race i was in. With tim riding I had to tape it all.


PR Founding Father
Come on Rocket, go for it. 250B, 450B, 25+, 30+, 40+, 2 stroke. They should get at least $150 back from JO though. Thats at least their entries back for each class.

Geesh, cant I a guy make a buck?? I did say top 5! To truly best the Gonz, you gotta win 5 of 6 in my book, but to win this challenge, you just need 6 top fives.

BTW, you do need to do it on one bike, just like the Gonz did it.