Obamacare, and health insurance for racers.... get ready for some B.S. M-- F***ers!!!


PR Addict
So I'm not one of the lucky ones (despite the user name) who gets health insurance from work... I actually have to PAY out of my pocket for a high deductible policy. You may not know me-- but I don't race other than pit bikes, and some XR100 powered road racing. Alot less risky IMO than say... +40 on a 450. Can a guy have just a little fun dicking around on minibikes anymore?

So the insurance snoops must have caught that I have some motorcycles titled in my name. Now-- when I say M/C... we're talking about KLX110's, a TTR125 for my GF, a 150R, some 150F's maybe, etc... We're not talking about a Hayabusa here.

So I get a letter/questionnaire in the mail asking if I do any "racing" with the bikes? If so-- then my rates (which have already doubled in the past year) are going to go up per the new Obamacare restrictions.

So I called my insurance agent and asked him if he has any idea what a KLX110 is... haha! Or a TTR125? Basically I told them that they're just trail bikes, and I don't race them at all. They basically said-- "Well that's good, b/c if you do, you're not covered". I would need to get a seperate policy for that. I guess it's OK if I want to over-eat, drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes... but I f I want to ride dirt bikes, old Barack and Co. doesn't approve? Anybody else get this bullshit in the mail yet? I have Golden Rule Insurance-- for now. --L*64


PR Elite
Where's STURD at???? LOL... I knew this was coming, its just the beginning.

I certainly hope all you Obama voters are watching this and are happy with your decision.

Lucky*64....Imagine being in my shoes, I provide health care for my employees. My rates have more than doubled in 2 years all for this man wanting to provide health care for others who wont provide for themselves.


PR Addict
That's exactly it!!!! If I was some ignorant F***ing 47%-er working the system-- for EVERYTHING!! Then that seems to work. When I'm working my d*** off trying to keep a roof over my head by earning a reasonably legal and honest living, and I wanna goof off riding pit bikes when I can-- I get kicked in the nuts by having to pay extra for a bunch of busted a***s who won't do anything for themselves. I HATE this guy, and everything he's ramming up our a***s with his Robin Hood regime. Believe that I never voted for Barack. --L*64


PR Elite
All this is getting way out of hand. We have health insurance through my husbands work and they are a small company. His boss pays somewhere around 80 grand for the health insurance plus we pay some. Def. not complaining on that part cause it's good insurance. He told my husband that if the obama care does what it is supposed to that he won't be able to continue the health care cause he can't afford it. We should be able to get on my insurance but that's beside the point. It's all a bunch of crap, it's almost to the point where you are better not to have insurance.


PR Addict
You must not hang out with any 47%-ers then. Most people who ride bikes, pay taxes, pay bills, etc... aren't 47%-ers. Go to the UN-Planned Parenthood parking lot, and you'll find that most of the cars have Barack Obama stickers on the back windows. Go down to your Dept of Human Services-- they're there too. Getting their food stamp cards. They're at the ER's in most hospitals b/c their kid has a slight sniffle. The only place you won't find them is at work. --L*64


PR Founding Father
LuckyStar, I am sending your post over to my wife and another that works for her. She is a group benefits specialist and sells nothing but group insurance, and she has another that works for her that does nothing but individual health insurance. We will get you the facts on this one.


PR Addict
I didn't either, in fact no one I know did, so I don't get where the hell he got the votes!


"Obama got 93 percent of black voters (representing 13 percent of the electorate), 71 percent of Latinos (representing 10 percent), and 60 percent of young voters. Thanks to the GOP's rape apologist caucus among other generally bad for women things, he also not too surprisingly won the female vote, getting 53 percent of women voters."


PR Addict
I may be switching then... I was looking into a United Individual plan. I guess individual still means that I'll be lumped in with a bunch of lepers anyway tho... haha! --L*64


PR Founding Father
I knew when Romney was selected as the Republican candidate, that we would end up with another 4 years of.........Barack Hussein Obama.


PR Addict
Sounds like you need to move to Canada Luckystar. You can live off the free health care system up north. Maybe you should start sending letters to representatives...

Which of course then you get this.



PR Founding Father
Just starting slingin dope, then you can pay cash for all your hospital services. It's a good way to clean up all that money that's been dirtied through welfare.

Its like reverse money laundering. Taking the free cash from all the welfarees from your dope sales and legitiemitely paying for healthcare services after your moto related injury.


PR Founding Father
Just starting slingin dope, then you can pay cash for all your hospital services. It's a good way to clean up all that money that's been dirtied through welfare.

Its like reverse money laundering. Taking the free cash from all the welfarees from your dope sales and legitiemitely paying for healthcare services after your moto related injury.

I like it!!! hahaha


PR Addict
The world is turning upside down as we know it. A honest decent man/woman who works their butt off to provide a decent income for themselves is forced to suffer another 4 years. I'm a military combat vet who actually has done something for my country in my life having to provide for low life bums in this work who think they can just get by off the good fortune of their fellow citizans. I too have zero friends who voted for Obama and cant understand the fact that the working mans vote lost to the welfare vote. Not too excited to see where are country will be in 4 years!!!

BTW im lucky that I have the VA Hospitals and lifetime member for coverage. But I feel your pain LuckyStar64, your bikes should not be held against your as a well paying healthcare citizan.


PR Founding Father
I think people that never worked really didn't vote. Until this latest campaign. Obama is pretty smart in the ways of Campaigning. He duped all the College kids in 08, and now half of them are still duped, the other half are angry; the new ones are just as stupid and fell into gettin duped 12. But seeing how close the election was in 08, they had to broaden that margin by gettin into the hood with their ''rock da vote'' slogan.


PR Addict
Hey Talon-- Thank you for your service to the country. It is appreciated. Also-- I ran into a guy up in Fairview that works at CRU. I asked him about ya.

Yeah-- everything seems to fall on the middle class now. I'm almost thinking the health plan was a way to get the heat off the state who was paying for welfare insurance, and putting the dead weight on the middle class's back to carry in the form of doubling our rates.

I could see if I was riding a nitrous GSXR1000 powered hillclimber, but these nimrods are f-ing with me over a few petty trail bikes and pit bikes. Just wait-- if you own a gun.... get ready for it. Pretty soon there's gonna be a fast food tax, pizza tax, tobacco tax, alcohol. Who in the f*** left the door open and let the federal govt in? --L*64

Double D

PR Founding Father

"Obama got 93 percent of black voters (representing 13 percent of the electorate), 71 percent of Latinos (representing 10 percent), and 60 percent of young voters. Thanks to the GOP's rape apologist caucus among other generally bad for women things, he also not too surprisingly won the female vote, getting 53 percent of women voters."

Most of those voters are not paying taxes.
Under my presidential term I will make it manditory to pay or have paid taxes to vote.
If you are retired, sick, military......there has to be some boundries.

And there will be a TAX credit for buying new Dirt Bikes to support the local shops and tracks....HA HA

Double D

PR Founding Father
Hey Talon-- Thank you for your service to the country. It is appreciated. Also-- I ran into a guy up in Fairview that works at CRU. I asked him about ya.

Yeah-- everything seems to fall on the middle class now. I'm almost thinking the health plan was a way to get the heat off the state who was paying for welfare insurance, and putting the dead weight on the middle class's back to carry in the form of doubling our rates.

I could see if I was riding a nitrous GSXR1000 powered hillclimber, but these nimrods are f-ing with me over a few petty trail bikes and pit bikes. Just wait-- if you own a gun.... get ready for it. Pretty soon there's gonna be a fast food tax, pizza tax, tobacco tax, alcohol. Who in the f*** left the door open and let the federal govt in? --L*64

UH, all that crap is taxed to the max d!