Trump daddy


PR Elite
What ?

Met an Afghanistan refugee today. Nursing student. Doesn't wear a garb. Refuses to. Wants nothing but independence and to be an American Citizen. I'll welcome her everyday. Every day. She's all for vetting. Imagine that.

Assimilation is what it's all about as the left does it's best to balkanize.


PR Elite
No, Trump dumped him because his trust had eroded. Good move IMO

That's the word from the Whitehouse. How it all came down is dirty, as to be expected from previous administration holdovers and illegal. And they are not done yet.
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PR Elite


PR Founding Father
Big thanks to Harry Reid and his cronies. Throw back Thursday ! Related to the ability to make the nuclear option possible back in 2013.

Repubs just need 51. Votes to end the filibuster. THey had 55 before envoking Reid's nuclear option. Oh it's bittersweet.
Looks like gorsuch is gonna be the new Justice.
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PR Founding Father
Big thanks to Harry Reid and his cronies. Throw back Thursday ! Related to the ability to make the nuclear option possible back in 2013.

Repubs just need 51. Votes to end the filibuster. THey had 55 before envoking Reid's nuclear option. Oh it's bittersweet.
Looks like gorsuch is gonna be the new Justice.

KARMA is a bitch. The Irony.....the republicans using the Democrats rule to help them. Now all the talking heads are blaming the republicans, lol. I get why they say it could end moderates being nominated and it will bring in more right wing or left wing judges in the future. But lets face it, the days of non-partician politics is over. The left has gone way too far left with everything. That is why in "normal" America, the democrats have lost over 1200 state house, senate, governor, and federal house and senate seats in the last 8 years. Obama had one success during his term......Helping get republicans elected.


PR Founding Father
Now in the future we will just see huge swings right or left. No more middle of the road administrations.

Repubs will nuclear option in their favor. Dems will do the same in their favor.

No more green eggs and ham for 16 hours from Cruz. ashame, I do like green eggs and ham. I would eat them in a box, with a fox.


PR Elite
How should Trump handle congress with the Affordable Care Act repeal?
Insurance is still a major mess, and pharmaceutical companies are out of control.

How should Trump continue to handle his steps toward immigration reform?
He's getting a lot of pushback and many lawsuits filed against him over this and the DACA issue.

How should Trump handle the Democratic party that can't let the election results go?
The democratic party has a bunch of whiners and morons, but they still do a pretty good job of undermining half of what Trump tries to accomplish.

How should Trump Daddy continue to deal with and handle Kim Jong Un?
How far do we let this go and is Trump undermining the efforts of our Secretary of State and Ambassadors?

He hasn't exactly drained the swamp yet, the Repubs have the House, Senate , and the White House, but yet once again.....very little is getting accomplished.

Will there be a major turnover in the 2018 congressional elections?


PR Founding Father
Repeal it.

Immigration: deport criminals no pathway to citizenship if they come back. Execute. Deport others but give pathway to citizenship.

Dems are loons. Let them whine about why they lost. Only makes the deplorable more likely to continue to vote.

Pyongyang needs EMP'd on the day of the sun. And Kim Jong rocket man needs a well placed .50cal bullet to center mass.

Double D

PR Founding Father
Shoot that plump little rocket boy and feed him to the Hoggs. Then shoot the hogs and bury them with the manure piles of Kim dung poo they drop. Then bury that, so it doesn't grow any insane Daisys

What the heck. Then flatten the place and build a Disney land. That way, There will still be a communist cult in North Korea..


PR Elite
I've been watching the Ken Burns Docu-series "Viet-Nam" on PBS that was just premiered last week.
With all of the history of war in Asia, it just sucks that the world nations have to put up with dictator Bullcrap like this. There needs to be a United Nations Special Forces Assassination Team.

I'm waiting to see The Donald put his great negotiation skills to work and get some changes made through Congress. Time is a wasting!


PR Founding Father
Time for the Republicans to STOP being a wall to getting our republicans agenda passed.
Repeal and replace = fail
start funding the wall = fail
tax reform = Already some in senate that look to be a road block

We the voters need to make sure we replace these congressman and senators. Senator Sherrod Brown is the most liberal Senator in the Senate. Josh Mandel is running in the republican primary to run against him. Mandel already lost to Brown once. I am supporting Mike Gibbons for the Republican ticket. I invited Mike down to a dinner we had in August. He accepted. I spoke to him quite a bit. I like him. He is not a politician, so that is really good enough for me at this point for DC.


PR Founding Father
R or D. They don't wanna change their exclusive club. Why would they when we the people fund it ?!?

Trump ran as an R because he knows an outsider independent can't get elected into that club.

Wish they would roll out a flat tax. 12% on everything. Eliminate income tax. Eliminate deductions. Even mortgage interest deduction for all I care.earned income credits eliminate it. Why can't we put a system in place that doesn't make it possible to get money back every year when some pay ZERO in taxes to begin with ?! It's stupid. Pay your 12% at every transaction and be done with it. Rich or poor we all get impacted the same.
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PR Founding Father
Correct, I don't believe either side wants Trump,(the newbie outsider). To succeed. That would open up the door for future candidates that just make sense instead of sticking with their agendas. Trump threatened them all with "I'm going to drain the swamp". That didn't help him make any friends, that's for sure.