my yz 250 stolen


PR Founding Father
I've got a case file thicker than watergate on the dousche. I know his name. Got him bragging on facebook. Cops doin nothing. "Can't make an arrest it's circumstantial evidence, won't hold up in court."

Well if you get 12 people in there on the jury I'm sure they would all agree this kid has better chances of hitting the powerball 3 times than for him not to be guilty with the "circumstantial evidence."


PR Founding Father
he is in this photo with all his 18 year old 'thug' jigga talkin, axt like i'm from da real hood" friends.


PR Founding Father
View attachment 9979
After OIR Mud race there was no leaves on trees. you have clear line of sight from windows/garage at section 8 house where his girlfriend lived. Saw me washing bikes. Decided to strike with 3 in driveway on May 17th at 5:18AM.

I haven't even shown you guys all the good stuff on Facebook. This is just the little stuff!!

Again. Cops do nothing. Hows that for cirucmstantial?


PR Founding Father
Like I said at the start...knowing and actually having something done are 2 different things...the kids that took our bike are still track buddies with alot of people ,probably alot on here.


PR Founding Father
It's ok, because Progressive will find him. They got tons of info on me in 2 weeks. They should be able to pin point this kid in a week to get their insurance money.


PR Founding Father
George, call some of the city council members there local. Ask them why NOTHING is being done, and show them your file. Tell them you've done all the police work, and that their detective staff needs to get more aggressive. YOUR home and you were violated when these thugs came in your house, while your fiancé was asleep inside! Go to the city council meeting and say it at the podium, with the mic on and the TV cameras running (most local council meetings are televised). Believe me, what you need is a couple city council members asking your city manager and police chief why NOTHING is being done more aggressive before someone elses home is intruded upon.

Trust me being in local government, I see it all the time. Sometimes it takes a little voicing your opinion to the public, and a couple council members putting pressure on the police chief and city manager to move on some thing, and get to the bottom of it.

If you live in the township, then your dealing with the sheriff and township trustees. You will have much more luck with this method if your in the city, and dealing with a local PD that answer to a city manager and city council members.


PR Member
George, call some of the city council members there local. Ask them why NOTHING is being done, and show them your file. Tell them you've done all the police work, and that their detective staff needs to get more aggressive. YOUR home and you were violated when these thugs came in your house, while your fiancé was asleep inside! Go to the city council meeting and say it at the podium, with the mic on and the TV cameras running (most local council meetings are televised). Believe me, what you need is a couple city council members asking your city manager and police chief why NOTHING is being done more aggressive before someone elses home is intruded upon.

Trust me being in local government, I see it all the time. Sometimes it takes a little voicing your opinion to the public, and a couple council members putting pressure on the police chief and city manager to move on some thing, and get to the bottom of it.

If you live in the township, then your dealing with the sheriff and township trustees. You will have much more luck with this method if your in the city, and dealing with a local PD that answer to a city manager and city council members.

Agreed. Being in township government, People who show up and start making noise usually get stuff done quickly. Show up and become a regular and you will find out even more how things work.......


PR Founding Father
A little tougher in the township. Your policing (Sheriff's department) don't have to really answer to a city manager or city council, so you probably wont have as much luck. But the Sheriff is a elected official, so give him a call personally and discuss your case with him direct. He does not want a letter to the editor in the paper from someone who was a victim of a crime stating that his detectives are not doing their jobs.


PR Member

A neighbor of mine is in security and does contract work for some very large companies. He sent me this link to cameras some big retail stores are using as well as having them on his own house. Hes shown me videos from them and the picture is nice and clear, you could easily id a face. They can be set up to record everything to a computer and you can monitor them remotely during the day when you arent home. Just thought they might be something to consider. Price is good too.


PR Member
A little tougher in the township. Your policing (Sheriff's department) don't have to really answer to a city manager or city council, so you probably wont have as much luck. But the Sheriff is a elected official, so give him a call personally and discuss your case with him direct. He does not want a letter to the editor in the paper from someone who was a victim of a crime stating that his detectives are not doing their jobs.

I agree that the sheriff doesn't answer to the trustees, but depending on turnout at the meeting, this can get the ball rolling in the right direction. If the citizen's find out the Sheriff is not doing something about crime, that could cause a fire storm.

Some advice: be polite, state the facts, and explain that you are just there to make everyone "aware" of the situation. Feel free to have a presentation, make a copy of all the information you have, type it up a document, make copies to hand out to the trustees. Again stick to the facts and with the information you have gathered, it is clear to me (and will be to everyone else) that the Sheriff is not doing his job. If the township trustees don't offer any feedback, feel free to ask for them to make a call to the Sheriff on your behalf. Remember, the trustees are elected as well. It is a paid gig and the benefits (in my township they pay health, vision and dental!) are amazing. Good luck, and tell us how you do.


PR Founding Father
Trustee is a good gig. Most make $15,000 to $20,000 and get health insurance at no cost. Much better gig than most councils. But if there is one level of government that could be eliminated in today's world it is township government. Totally not needed.