Bubba entourage


PR Addict
Covered race and gays, but still no one knows who RADO is??? I guess after 7 pages of nonsense it doesnt even matter anymore lol


PR Addict
racism, feminism, and LGBT there it is we've covered it all in the post.
Would it have been racist to ask who the white guy was if everyone else was black? If a back guy asks the same question is it a big deal? My thought is NO! But then I'm not black so I'm completely unable to comprhend. "Can't we all just get along?"
What a well thought out, thought provoking post John! Albeit un-intentional. lol
too much!

Double D

PR Founding Father
Simple,, everything is offensive if you are a racist..

if the word black man offends you, you are a racist, why because you have two definitions for the same human..

dont get racism confused with stereo types. Different.

A liar always thinks everyone else is a liar. Agree?
Cheaters? Well they are worried about their other cheating on them.


PR Founding Father
Simple,, everything is offensive if you are a racist..

if the word black man offends you, you are a racist, why because you have two definitions for the same human..

dont get racism confused with stereo types. Different.

A liar always thinks everyone else is a liar. Agree?
Cheaters? Well they are worried about their other cheating on them.

Ha ha, good post man. So true. Just cannot believe we are still talking about this...

Georgie and JO beat to what I would have said... :)


PR Founding Father
Lets take this one step further. We are all humans. Race is made up. If a black man has a child with an Asian woman they still have a child.

An alligator and crocodile are incredibly similar, but they are not the same species. Therefore they cannot interbreed.

So if race truly existed, the black man (alligator) and Asian(crocodile) could never have children. But they can because we are all the same species.


PR Founding Father
Lets take this one step further. We are all humans. Race is made up. If a black man has a child with an Asian woman they still have a child.

An alligator and crocodile are incredibly similar, but they are not the same species. Therefore they cannot interbreed.

So if race truly existed, the black man (alligator) and Asian(crocodile) could never have children. But they can because we are all the same species.

Dude...another good post, but you can't teach stupid.

As I grow weary of this ignorance...I want to type things in spite of it being silly, but I need...to...refrain...need...to...resist...the urge... Help me by stopping. Guess I could put a stop to it as well in a couple differnt ways...in due time... ;)