pitracer idea


PR Elite

Doesnt everyone want to be me???

Chuck, lets not forget about the John259 story at Chillitown, goes out first practice and the first lap flips right over his handlebars! And never forget his version of watergate........ the vet/womens gate gate


PR Elite
Staff member
Got the AI file done. Just need to find a printer now. And no Mr. Know you cannot spin off in your own direction. You're one of us now!



PR Member
If you run in to John259 be sure to bring up the vet sport class that never gets old either lOL. Or the womens class. LOL I love that dude. Without this site he'd just be some old vet rider in my way.

There does seem to be a barrier. About 75% of our traffic are lurkers. I wish there was an easy way to get them signed up and over the hump too. I"m at a track every weekend. Please feel free to stop by. Many times it's just me and my dog and he doesn't talk about the track much.

I remember meeting John Kreps for the first time. I finally tracked him down at Crow and was going to ask him how he could take 1,000 pictures at every race and not get me in any. Turns out we were on the same gate for a year.

So the number plate idea is a great one. I think we can find a printer to do this if we do a bulk order. How's this look?

View attachment 48511
looks perfect. exactly what i had pictured in my mind. i think it will make it a lot more fun to walk the pits and see hershey or georgie porgie on the side of a van or trailer and go strike up a conversation. I'm sure i have seen most of the pit racer members at a track, just don't know them by name or know them in person. but i would be able to identify them by their screen name. also promotes the site and the people that participate on the site. just tell me how to order and how much i owe and i will place the first order. 6 should do. 2 each for the truck, trailer, and camper. thanks chuck!


PR Member
Chuck - if we want to order the screen name stickers, should we put them on our "wish list" in the shopping area so you can see how many commitments there are? I need to order some fender decals as well.


PR Elite
Staff member
Chuck - if we want to order the screen name stickers, should we put them on our "wish list" in the shopping area so you can see how many commitments there are? I need to order some fender decals as well.

Yea I was bored today. Thanks for the thought Reid. I initially thought we'd have to do a bulk order to make it worth while for the printer but I'm now pretty confident we can run these on demand. As soon as the vinyl arrives I'll open these up in the cart.
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john lilly

PR Addict
Yea I was bored today. Thanks for the thought Reid. I initially thought we'd have to do a bulk order to make it worth while for the printer but I'm now pretty confident we can run these on demand. As soon as the vinyl arrives I'll open these up in the cart.
Chuck, can you give me the size of the the decal?