Racing and to keep the ones you have in the sport!


PR Founding Father
There is no point in crushing juniors dream or just plain having fun riding because you think you are so good or you think they aren't performing up to par. Big difference between healthy motivation and outright abuse. If anyone sees this guy at the Battle, please inform me, he isn't welcome at the Cliff.


PR Founding Father
Hopefully he's getting butt hurt behind bars and has no chance in showing up at the battle rounds or any other race.. if a different family member brings junior to Malvern, oir, or any other race I'm at, I'll pay juniors first class.


PR Founding Father
Really? Holy s**t. Jeff barley. . .

He's been known to get a little hot. Rides a wide bike but he's never in my eyes been over board. Goid rider and hard to pass. He's pretty tongue and cheeky.

But the kid thing is wierd. That's one of them things you don't want to believe after seeing the guy every weekend for the better part of 10 years. Hopefully he realizes it was a dousche move and this opens his eyes. Jeff is a nice guy. And now I feel like crap vouching for him. But I wasnt there and I'm not vouching for him in the slightest.

This world is crazy. You think you know people and really you find out you don't know them at all.


If I remember correctly didn't Jeff Barley get the hell beat out of him at TV land last year for being an idiot to some guys kid????
I do know we have had problems with him at Malvern. He got into a confrontation with the paramedics who he was pitted next to.
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PR Addict
If mom wants to bring the little boy to the races, I will pay his entry for the rest of the year. The d-bag sperm donor can stay in jail.


PR Founding Father
If I remember correctly didn't Jeff Barley get the hell beat out of him at TV land last year for being an idiot to some guys kid????
I do know we have had problems with him at Malvern. He got into a confrontation with the paramedics who he was pitted next to.

Wow if that's true he needs kicked out of Ohio MX, period. This is the court. I think we have heard enough. I would encourage all tracks to turn this guy away. I would find it hard to believe that these are false allegations given the credible sources. We shouldn't tolerate actions like this.


PR Founding Father
im pretty sure he hit or tried to hit trevor at tv land before, and cops were called for that situation too... guy is a total dick bag and i wont hesitate to punt his stupid ass over a berm given the opportunity.


PR Elite
What a douche, being a father myself, I couldnt imagine this... Either way, I probably couldnt catch this turd on the track, but you can gurantee this man would have caught a beating of a lifetime had a saw that. His ride out that day would not have been in a cop car, more of a box shaped vehicle with shiney red lights. I hope the kid can still ride and race with SOMEONE else taking him.. Hes got many years of this awesome sport!


PR Founding Father
If this guy really is the maggot that we think he is, I'd welcome an oncoming swing. The lights would be out in 6 seconds. I'm no sugar Ray Leonard or mike Tyson, but I do throw a decent right hook. When all else fails I resort to Charlie tackets, right wills?


PR Addict
Hopefully this doesn't affect the kid still riding is he still wants anything to do with it at this point but I'm sure it has already because once everyone figures out exactly who this guy is there will be likely no track around that wont be a hostile enviroment for him if he even does come back around. I'm sure if he's not out awaiting a hearing yet and doing so already he will be reading these post when he does. lol


"I don't recall that Jason. Was I there? I still can't picture the douche.."

Think it was two years ago, our first season at Malvern.


PR Addict
Hate to say it but if he brings his kid to your track, just let him on in. Riders should park next to him, keep an eye on how he interacts with his kid and if needed come to the kids aid and build this guys rap sheet even more. The other important thing is to let this guys son see how it should be, talk to him and let him see how good parents interact with their children. If good parents park next to him and not another crazy mini parent that comes close to the line, he won't feel comfortable with his poor behavior.
I love being at the track with my friends and their sons so let them see how it should be


PR Addict
While I can appreciate the emotion involved in what we would all like to do to this guy, the situation was handled in the best possible way. Separating the jerk from the kid until police arrive, and written statements by RATIONAL, CALM, and REASONABLE eyewitness accounts make a very strong legal case for his custodial fitness whereas declarations from an angry mob who turned the jerk into a victim would not have near the impact. Sure the guy deserves a beating, but it's not worth it to jeopardize the legal case that could permanently spare the child further episodes.


PR Founding Father
We had a jerk parent parked next to us at Malvern last year. Little kid was on a mini 4 wheeler. My Dad finally said something to the guy, and he was not too pleased. Told my dad to mind his own business, he knew what motivated his kid. But the guy was really just an ass that I am sure had never ridden a motocross track.

Matthew started racing at 4. Was never the kid to beat on 50s or 65s.......and I did not care. I have let him take things at his own speed, and we did not ride like every weekend either. Now on the 85, things are clicking better, and in his last 8 motos, has had 5 moto wins. Kids will do things when they are ready, and no need to push them into riding over their head. They will just get hurt or hate the sport.

As for this jack ass.....CRA should send him a letter banning him for at least a year period. OMA and SW Ohio MX, should both send him a letter stating they heard about the incident, and warn him now. It will not be tolerated and if there is any incident it will be dealt with immediately and harshly.


PR Addict
My son was a professional BMXer. As he was growing up I pushed him hard. I'm sure I said and did some dumb things. But never did I consider hitting him with a wrench, or anything else as far as that goes.
Hopefully the kid is young enough to bounce back form such nonsense. This type of crap was probably common in his world.
Ive been on pit racer for about 8 months now and enjoy some of the trends. Never Hadith thought about posting since I've been out of the motocross scene since 93. But this trend hit me pretty hard since I read it late Friday night.
I have twin boys that are just 5 and started riding October of 2013 on a pw. One boy picked up things like standing up, putting the inside leg out in the first day of riding. And this was just around the yard. We'll in February I bought 2 new sx mini's and have been to 2 races so far. Dirt country and COCR the first being DC. I will have to say that during and after that first race I was the happiest dad that left that track that day. CK1 (Knox) can contest to this since we are very close, and we are cousins. Also Greg Rand was with us since as the boys would tell you he's there riding coach.. But I was happy cause the boys both made laps and got better each time they went out. Best of all they asked on the trip home if they could go race on Monday..
So next race COCR and this time just boys, there mom and myself. We'll I spent the whole time yelling at both to stand up, give it gas, and swinging my hat to try and get them to do what I was telling them to do. After each moto I would bitch at each one as to what they needed to do. And next moto same, just pissed me off more. So on the trip home boys where asleep the wife and I are talking and I tell her I was expecting more from them and that I felt like I was the crazy 50 dad. She said I wasn't bad at all except for yelling the same things, stand up, give it gas,the normal stuff. But I was just upset with the boys. I was more mad at myself for how I thought I was acting and called and talked to both Knox and Rand. Both said I am in a different situation do to twins. One is always picking things up quicker but the other is better at other things.
I spent the next week of work thinking what do I really want these 2 boys to get out of racing motocross. It's the fun that I want the to have. It's the friends that they will meet along the way. It's the memory's of the travels with family. As a dad the best trophy's I have received the 2 races I have entered them in have been. " your the best dad in the whole world dad I love racing my motorcycle". So I've told myself I don't care where they finish we are there to have fun. And if they or one becomes fast so be it we are still there for the fun.