Fight! Fight!

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Ive really thought hard about this before posting. Instead of deleting the post I figure I would use it as a learning lesson for everyone. Of sorts.....'and to get the facts out.

So there is no question I am not afraid to tell people what I think but rarely if ever do I call people names or judge them for their own opinions. Im sure there could be a long debate on that knowing this site. Anyway, lets start with the facts as they happened. Ive gotten a million calls, texts and messages about this and it seems that not many people know what really happened.

Apparently Chris Boggess was behind me for a couple laps or so and couldnt pass me. I was riding poorly but holding my line and not cutting anyone off, its just practice. He finally came inside me out of a corner and I moved to the inside line in the next corner and gave him room for the main line. The ruts were close and he hit me hard enough that we both fell down. I wasnt mad at this point. I started to pick up my bike and he flipped me off saying " That is what you get when you block the track f****r!!" Of course I didnt take kindly to that and we had a few unkindly words with one another. I got my bike up and rode over to the starting area and took a break. I cooled down and was over it. After about 8 laps I hadnt seen him on the track so I pulled back on to ride. I made one lap and from out of no where he comes inside on a tight 180 and hit me so hard it bent my radiator all up and took me out bad. He hit me hard enough that had it been my leg instead of the radiator it would have broke. He kept going down the hill. I got my bike off the track and seeing red went to the other lane waiting for him. I was fuming mad at this point. I was yelling like an idiot at him waiting for him but he pulled off the track at the bottom looking up at me. I started to go back to my bike, then he started up. I went over to the track again and yelled some more ( like an idiot again) and he wouldnt stop. I called him out again and he circled around but wouldnt stop until he was 20 feet past me. Thats where you see his bike on the ground in the pic. I went right over to him and got in his face. He was still sitting on his bike at this point. I yelled at him using choice words but he didnt say or do anything. I cooled down and backed off. Asked him why he needed to do that, if he was so fast why he couldnt go around me since there plenty of lines....nothing....I asked him if he was upset he couldnt pass a 49 year old .... nothing.... so I stopped. Then he finally says " You got clleeeaaanneeeddd out didnt you!!" Thats when I hit him and put him and his bike on the ground. I walked back to my bike and this is when the pic above was taken. He walked over to me and I got in his face again. He still didnt do anything so I just left it at that , picked my bike up and rode away.

Since social media is blowing up and only half of the story is being told I figured Id clear the air. You can all make the judgement call of what was the right thing to do or not. But there are lessons to learn.

1. Its practice, there is no need to take people out. The first incident was dirty, again Im not mad about that one. It happens but it shouldnt have. He could have just said " sorry about that" and it would have been over. And I could have just let it slide when he flipped the bird and yelled. Again it would have ended right then and there.

2. NEVER....NEVER purposefully T-bone someone that hard, or at all for that matter. I know its sounds stupid and like Im being a p*ssy but seriously he hit me hard enough to break my leg. Emotions get the best of everyone once in a while, I did last night, but hurting someone isnt worth it at the track.

3. Keep your emotions in check. I failed miserably as did he on this one. I should have walked away long before I hit him and put him down. When I did that I realized it was going way too far and I started to calm myself down instead of going further.

4. Social media and half truths are hurting everyone. So after not being able to stand up for himself face to face he posts that picture on Instagram. I dont know Chris Boggess nor do I follow him but he found me on there and tagged me. His friends were posting snapchats of me hitting him too. Ive gotten a lot of messages from friends asking why I did that..... so Chris and his buddies make an effort to show one side of a story to make me look bad. No explanation of why, no complete story of the real facts, just look at this idiot and he hit me. Social media is a double edged sword, great for keeping in touch with friends and family, especially far away ones, its fun but its also a way to fuel fires when you are to afraid to confront people face to face and just settle things.

Judge away, you know the entire story now. Im not proud of this at all. To be honest I feel like an idiot for my actions. I hope no kids were up there to see this in person too. But Im not upset about standing up for myself and hopefully Chris learned a lesson to not do this to riders any more.

You are a very, very, very patient man. That's all I can say about that.
I was there and while I didn't see it all, what I did see & observe Dave is telling the details to a "T". Like Dave said, it was practice, is it really necessary to take anyone out, when there is 29 other feet to make a pass. If the kid couldn't get around him does it matter in a practice, "NO". Cut the track, or pull off the track, but don't take someone out.
Here's what I saw: I watched Dave pull off the track and went over to talk to him and he was just watching for the kid to go by (so that, nothing further took place) which didn't happen so, after a long while, I saw Dave go back out on the track and that is when the second altercation took place. Out of my view, Dave was t-boned. I was standing where everyone exits the track and here comes Dave. He stopped and told me that now the kid T-boned him and bent his radiator. I said, I would go talk to the kid and explain to him he can pay to get his radiator fixed, which Dave was not interested in doing. If it was an accident, I would understand Dave letting it slide but in this case the kid t-boned him on purpose. Not only is this wrong on every level and damaged Daves bike, but like Dave said, this could have broke his leg and this is completely unacceptable. I wish, I didn't have so much to lose bc, I would have personally kicked the s**t out of this kid. I keep saying kid but I believe he is 18. If this kid or someone that knows him reads this, I hope the kid apologizes to Dave and offers to pay for any repairs that need to be made. However, at a minimum he should apologize.
Again, this was practice not a race, "chill out" and learn how to become a better rider that's what you're there for. However, even in a race, I am not a fan of t-boning anyone at the local level, your pay check is still $0 whether you're first or last.
Punks like that never learn a lesson the easy way. Beating the s**t out of him would ultimately cost you more than it would be worth, as he would press charges and probably sue, just like all pussies do. I would say you did well to not escalate things further.
Hershey, you handled that pretty well in my opinion. Kids just a punk trying to act tough in front of his friends. We were all 18 once, still doesn't make it right to t bone like he did.
Hershey, you handled that pretty well in my opinion. Kids just a punk trying to act tough in front of his friends. We were all 18 once, still doesn't make it right to t bone like he did.

I can't remember rememeber any of the kids that raced around me (like beckett, Henry, Phil Harris, many more) when I was 15-18 act like that. ESPECIALLY IN PRACTICE. I mean it happens when you're racing and it can get heated but my god....I know all our parents 15 years ago woulda kicked our a***s and locked the bike up for a month in the trailer.
I can't remember rememeber any of the kids that raced around me (like beckett, Henry, Phil Harris, many more) when I was 15-18 act like that. ESPECIALLY IN PRACTICE. I mean it happens when you're racing and it can get heated but my god....I know all our parents 15 years ago woulda kicked our a***s and locked the bike up for a month in the trailer.
I don't disagree. I wasn't defending the kid. Just saying it was an act of immaturity.

Just an example of what I am dealing with here. I haven't said anything on social media except what you have seen here.
WOW Dave.. sorry to hear you, i would have forgot the first time... second time i am not sure what would of happened..
Does this punk race or just a pro practice pussy?
He will learn the real lesson that moto is a very small world.
Every sport has "unwritten rules" Your pitcher hits my best hitter, my pitcher is going to hit your best hitter. So you need to put the situation back on two wheels. Beat the crap out him in the pits and 400 of his loser friends will have video and then sue you. Line the punk up in a 180 and return the favor... then its all part of racing, right?

Fun times at the track, fun times
So this wanna-be, MX practice Superstar, wants to teach other riders lessons on how motocross is supposed to be and interprets your riding as overly aggressive. He then decides to target you, and then uses his bike as a weapon to teach you a lesson? And then he struts it like he's some sort of big shot expert?

Don't be so hard on yourself, he is lucky you didn't go further than you did. Many would of beat him up, or took a hammer to his radiator.

And of course, there were no pic's or video of him ramming you, only pic's and video of you reacting to it.
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